Intensive two-day class that will study overall Marketing plus a lot of case studies. The entire material discussed is based on real experience from IMARKS who already have experience handling the Marketing Development Program for various brands spread across various cities in Indonesia.

IMARKS Marketing Development Program is delivered directly and escorted by active practitioners who are handling clients who are currently operating and growing aggressively.

6 Points IMC Content : 

  1. Profiling
  2. Vertical Growth
  3. Horizontal Growth
  4. Customer Data Growth
  5. Digital Assets Growth
  6. Program Development

Facilities : 

  1. Flashdisk
  2. Module
  3. T-Shirt
  4. Blocknote
  5. Snack – Lunch
  6. Certificate

*Bonus: Marketing Clinic (after class)

See The Date : 2019

  1. January : 28 – 29 
  2. February : 27 – 28
  3. March : 28 – 28
  4. April : –
  5. May : –
  6. June :
  7. July :
  8. August :
  9. September :
  10. October :
  11. November :
  12. Desember :